ŠARM GROUP was founded in 1982 and as an innovative company that always looks to the future it is synonymous of successful business. Continuous successful business activities have been accomplished thanks to the modern working organization, application of experiences and knowledge from all over the world, permanent professional improvement, as well as following world trends.
That the previous years were successful we confirmed with achieved results as well as numerous awards and recognitions. We are sure that the years ahead will be a continuation of a successful business story for the ŠARM GROUP, determined to stay consistent on our path.
Building partner relations with foreign companies is how ŠARM GROUP came to be the leading company today in the fields where operates.
Business operations ŠARM GROUP developed in 4 divisions: Contract, Beauty - Spa and Wellness, Academy, representing and distribution the world's leading companies in Montenegro and Balkans.

ŠARM GROUP does its business in the 4 areas:
Beauty | Spa | Wellness
Representing and distribution the world's leading companies in Montenegro and Balkans